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Trip Cost


All amenities listed to the right are included in price of the trip excluding airfare.

Airfare is booked ahead of the trip via your tour guide Dr. John Munson. Trip groups typically meet in Atlanta Intl. Airport before departing for South Africa.

Earn a free trip if you are able to book five others in your group. Visit our contact page for any questions!

Close Up of Elephant


Up close encounters and interactions with animals, photo opportunities and elephant play.

Colorful Food


Unlimited buffet-style cuisine served with a wide variety of spirits and wines.



Luxury housing within the visited private ranches and Kruger National Park.

Safari Jeeps


Free, comfortable transportation to and from locations and on safaris as well.

Washer & Dryer


Access to laundry, swimming, internet, television with 24/7 staff ready to help, all for free!

Close Up of Elephant


Almost a week and a half to make memories that will last a lifetime. Explore your wild side!

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